“Continuity” Print by Yankel Ginzburg

Yankel Ginzburg with his print “Continuity” produced by Zimmerman Editions, Ltd.
Yankel Ginzburg was one of the early artists to approach Zimmerman Editions to have a fine art limited edition print produced. That was back in 1979. Ginzburg, an award-winning fine artist then living in Washington, D.C., had recently emigrated from Israel.
Yankel was very successful, having many prominent collectors in Washington, DC acquiring his original works and also some of his early limited edition prints. At that time he was sending his originals across the Atlantic and ‘interpreted’ and then printed in West Germany. After learning of the excellent serigraph printing being done in nearby Baltimore, he decided he should come to see for himself. Yankel arranged a personal tour of our atelier and after seeing the high-quality printing work done at Zimmerman Editions, he immediately started having all of his limited editions prints and sculptures produced there. Artist Ginzburg is a creative and very hands-on person and the advantage of being much more interactive in the design and production process was much more agreeable to his style.
In September 1978 Yankel Ginzburg was invited by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to join Prime Minister Menachem Begin and President Jimmy Carter at Camp David for the Israeli-Egypt Summit Meetings. These meetings became known as the Camp David Accords and led to a historic Peace Agreement between Egypt and Israel. After meeting Sadat, Ginzburg was later invited to Egypt to exhibit his works in Cairo and, in 1979, Yankel Ginzburg became the first Israeli artist—perhaps in 2000 years—to have a one-man art exhibit in Cairo, Egypt.
Yankel Ginzburg’s connection with Anwar Sadat, although they had previously never met, goes back to the early 1970s when Ginzburg was commissioned to create a painting for the cover of B’nai B’rith’s “The National Jewish Monthly” (May 1971). Ginzburg’s portrait depicted Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in a proud and optimistic way. Sadat was reportedly impressed that an Israeli artist would depict him in such a positive poise. He remembered Ginzburg and when Sadat visited Washington, DC he had his Egyptian Embassy contact Ginzburg and bring them together.
Ginzburg was invited by both Begin and Sadat to attend the signing on the White House lawn of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty in March 1979. (Yankel was reportedly the only person invited by both sides!) In commemoration of this historic event, Ginzburg created “Continuity”, a serigraph print depicting the ‘connection’ of a great ancient Egyptian society to what Ginzburg described as “the future of mankind” sea plants that could provide nourishment to future generations. Dedicated, signed prints of “Continuity” were presented to Begin, Sadat, and Carter and they still remain in the collections or estates of these great men.
The “Continuity” Limited Edition Print printed at Zimmerman Editions, Ltd. consists of 200 numbered prints, plus artists proofs and printer’s proofs. Each example is hand-signed and numbered by the artist. In addition are the dedicated prints that were given to Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat, Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and the U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
On October 6, 1981, President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by Muslim extremists posing as military men during a parade commemorating the 1973 war with Israel. This was the loss of a great man. There are still a few original “Continuity” serigraph prints available in perfect condition—never rolled or framed.
Contact Zimmerman Fine Art Today!
Since 1979 Zimmerman Editions Ltd. has worked closely with many internationally acclaimed artists to execute editions of their most unique images. Collaborating directly with the artists, Zimmerman Editions’ atelier has printed, fabricated, and published many special limited editions of fine art … including both prints and sculptures. All images have been faithfully produced to meet the artists’ most exacting requirements. Many of these high quality art prints and objets d’art are represented in public and private collections around the world.
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