How Do People Choose Artwork?

“Only You Can Hear” by Romero Britto
People choose artwork for all sorts of reasons, and while they may set out to find artwork for one reason, they may end up selecting a piece for an entirely different reason. Artwork plays an essential role in life, surrounding you with the colors, the subjects and the styles that speak to you, making your home or office uniquely you!
A Statement Piece
It is unlikely that you would ever design a whole room around a particular piece of art. However if you are doing an interior design makeover or furnishing a new home, you will want to find art that will complement and complete the look you are going for.
A Piece to Fit In
Similarly, you might be looking for artwork to fulfill a practical purpose. Often there is an empty spot over the couch or on a table and you’d like to fill it with an object that will complement and enhance your decor.
Pure Inspiration
Alternately, an artwork shopper might come into a gallery searching for a specific piece or just to browse and end up finding, to their surprise, one piece that stands out from the rest. They choose artwork not for its practicality, but because of its beauty. It is simply a piece that has caught their eye.
Subject Matter
Subject matter can also heavily influence why someone chooses one piece of art over another. For example, one person may prefer landscapes while another likes portraits. Some art depicts particular events, while others are very modern with bright colors, and other depict particular subjects of personal interest.
It is also common for people to choose art for their office that reflects their profession and might appeal to their clients, staff, or in the case of doctors, to their patients. If a doctor has a particular specialty, they might look for art that will reflect that specialty. An ophthalmologist for example might find artwork that emphasizes the eyes, or a dentist might find artwork that shows teeth or a smile. This artwork will be a particular interest not only to the practitioner, but to the staff and patients.
Zimmerman Editions has an extensive selection of ‘medical posters’ available, as they printed posters for NIH lectures and symposiums dealing with many different specialties. Many of these National Institutes of Health posters were designed by talented artists and graphic designers, and were printed in bright, vivid colors.
Artist Following
Someone might also purchase artwork not only because they like the painting or print, but also because of the artist who created it. Most artists, such as Yaacov Agam, Yankel Ginzburg, and Len Janklow have lifelong fans who appreciate their unique creations.
Lastly, people may choose artwork because of its investment potential. If they believe they can resell it for good value, it may be worth purchasing. However, one’s appeal to art should always come first before considering its future monetary value.
Contact Zimmerman Fine Art Today!
Since 1979 Zimmerman Editions Ltd. has worked closely with many internationally acclaimed artists to execute editions of their most unique images. Collaborating directly with the artists, Zimmerman Editions’ atelier has printed, fabricated, and published many special limited editions of fine art, including posters, prints and sculptures. All images have been faithfully produced to meet the artists’ most exacting requirements. Many of these high-quality art prints and objets d’art are represented in public and private collections around the world.
If you are a fine art dealer or marketer, or interested in collecting contemporary fine art, contact us today through our short form or our number at 888-484-1850. For more about fine art, keep in touch through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!