How to Start an Art Collection

“The Rose” Original Painting by Yankel Ginzburg, 1982
Starting an art collection is a joy that can be pursued for a lifetime. Collecting art is a highly subjective experience that people enjoy, bringing color and design elements into their homes and workplaces, to mark a special occasion or memory, and for the sheer enjoyment of enriching their surroundings. Some people think of art in terms of investments, but while you’re at it, you should love what you hang on the walls of your home or office. Below, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to start an art collection, no matter your budget.
Buy What You Love
Although art collectors collect for different reasons, the one thing in common that the most successful ones have is that they love their art. You should always purchase a piece because you love the art, the memories it might evoke, and a belief in the talent of the artist and his future career. Without this passion, an art collection is lifeless.
Set a Budget
Setting a budget will help you stay the course in buying wisely. Collecting art can be addictive, but setting boundaries will help allow you to buy more in the future. You should start small, especially at the early stage or until you’ve viewed a lot of art and honed in on what you like and don’t like. You may want to purchase smaller originals, small sculptures, and high-quality prints. Working within a budget that is right for you can help you from buying too much too quickly, before you’ve developed your taste.

“Spoleto” Limited Edition Lithograph by Willem de Kooning, 1974
Next, do some research online for artwork and types of art available near you. You may find that several art styles catch your attention. Go to museums—it’s a great way to see a large variety of the best even if it’s not available or affordable! It will help you to hone in on what you like. Remember, your collection does not have to be limited to paintings on canvas or prints; sculptures also count as fine art and certainly add a dimension to your display. If you want to invest in certain artists, look up emerging, mid-career, and famous artists with fine art prints and originals.
Visit Galleries
Visiting the galleries near you, as well as seek out galleries when you travel. You will learn from different galleries and gallery owners and discover where your tastes lie. At a gallery, you can view a variety of art and talk with the gallery owner about the featured artists’ lives, careers, and artwork. If contemporary, brightly colored, modern art interests you, come visit Zimmerman Editions Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland!
Maintain Your Collection
When amassing your collection, keep in mind that quality matters over quantity. Keep your artworks’ Certificates of Authenticity, and store your artwork out of direct sunlight. For more tips on how to store your artwork properly, ask Zimmerman Fine Art!
Contact Zimmerman Fine Art Today!
Since 1979 Zimmerman Editions Ltd. has worked closely with many internationally acclaimed artists to execute editions of their most unique images. Collaborating directly with the artists, Zimmerman Editions’ atelier has printed, fabricated, and published many special limited editions of fine art, including both prints and sculptures. All images have been faithfully produced to meet the artists’ most exacting requirements. Many of these high-quality art prints and objets d’art are represented in public and private collections around the world.
If you are a fine art dealer or marketer, or interested in collecting contemporary fine art, contact us today through our short form or our number at 888-464-1850. For more about fine art, keep in touch through Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!